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Brian Br霉ideil

A battle ensues when the MBC accidentally releases several aliens while trying to hand them over to the authorities, and Cathy runs for Class President.

Tr矛 deugairean a' tha a sabaid eilthirich le cuideachadhbho nighean 脿raidh agus a seanair.

Tha str矛 gu bhith aig na Maoir Bacaidh nuair a leigeas iad grunn eilthirich mu sgaoil mar mhearachd. Tha Cathy a tighinn an aghaidh str矛 gu math eadar-dhealaichte ge-t脿 's i airson a bhith na Ceann-suidhe air Comhairle nan Oileanach. A seasamh an aghaidh Cathy, tha Brian - balach 霉r a tha gu luath a' sealltainn cho cumhachdach 's a tha e.

Three teens battle alien invaders with the help of an alien girl and her grandfather.

A battle ensues when the MBC accidentally release several aliens whilst attempting to hand them over to the Intergalactic authorities. Meanwhile Cathy faces a battle of her own as she runs for Class President and is challenged by the new kid, Brian, who quickly establishes himself as the king of cool.

20 minutes
