Taking place in a rainforest, the Peladao is a unique event that involves thousands of footballers and hundreds of beauty queens.
'S e tachartas sònraichte a th' ann am Peladão a tha a' toirt a-steach mìltean de chluicheadairean ball-coise agus farpaisich boidhchead a tha a' gabhail à ite ann am meadhan aon de na coilltean as motha san t-saoghal. Tha cultar Bhrasil dèidheil air ball-coise agus boireannaich agus tha am Peladão a' sealltainn mar a tha an dà chuid a' tighinn ri chèile. Tha am ball-coise na fharpais eile cuideachd: tha gach sgioba a' taghadh farpaiseach boidhchead. Agus 's urrainn dhan fharpais 'Miss Football' buaidh a thoirt air na geamannan ball-coise.
Taking place in the middle of the world's largest rainforest, the Peladao is a unique event that involves thousands of footballers and hundreds of beauty queens. Football and women are the twin obsessions of Brazilian culture and the Peladao shows how the two come together. The football tournament doubles up as another competition: each team chooses its beauty queen and the Miss Football contest can have a direct influence on the matches.
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