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Canada - An Turas/The Journey

Two schools, two countries, forty teenagers! Accompanying students from the Isle of Lewis on an exchange trip to Prince Edward Island in Canada.

Turas s貌nraichte bho chladaichean Le貌dhais, tarsainn a' Chuan Siar gu Eilean a' Phrionnsa ann an Canada. Anns an uair a th矛de seo leanaidh sinn buidheann de sgoilearan a' feuchainn air foghlam agus fealla-dh脿 's iad a' fuireach mar Chan猫idianaich airson seachdain.

Airson c霉isean a th貌iseachadh tha buidheann de dheugairean Chan猫idianaich a' cur seachad seachdain ann an Le貌dhas, a' sireadh an sinnsearan agus a' cur gleans air a' Gh脿idhlig aca. Ged a tha an cuan eatorra , a bheil 貌igridh Chanada agus 貌igiridh Le貌dhais cho eadar-dhealaichte sin san lath' a th'ann ge-t脿? Saoil d猫 a shaoileas muinntir Eilean a' Phrionnsa de dh' Eilean an Fhraoich?

A' luaidh a' chl貌, a' leum far dhrochaidean, ag ithe biadh annasach, a h-uile ceum air an t-slighe tro sh霉ilean na cloinne fh猫in.

Take the journey of a lifetime from the mystical Hebridean shores of the Isle of Lewis, over the Atlantic to the historical heart of Canada - Prince Edward Island. In this action-packed hour we find out what happens when a group of Gaelic exchange students head out to meet their Canadian counterparts, as they each experience student life, leisure & family as a Canadian.

To kick the exchange off the Canadians spend a week on Lewis tracing their lineage and brushing up on their Gaelic. Despite being separated by the mighty Atlantic, these two groups of students might have a lot in common. What will the natives of Prince Edward Island make of the Heather Isle?

Tweed waulking, bridge jumping, exploring new delicacies, every step of the way through the eyes of the children.

1 hour

