Episode 3
Calum Iain's dreams come true as he finally gets behind the wheel of the legendary Porsche Carrera 911. Murray is moving mountains in Argyll and Fiona joins Peterhead Scooter Club.
Tha Calum Iain air a bhith ag iarraidh Porsche Carrera 911 4S a dhrà ibheadh bhon a bha eòlas aige air a' chà r. Ged nach eil an t-sìde math chan eil sin a' cur bacadh air.
Chan eil aig Fiona ach an 2 roth an t-seachdain seo 's i còmhla ri buill Club Scooter Cheann Phà draig 's iad air turas gus 25 bliadhna dhen bhuidhinn a chomharrachadh. An turas mu dheireadh a bha i air dà roth, thuit i dheth. Tha sinn an dòchas gun tèid nas fheà rr dhi a-nochd!
Agus tha Murray ann an à ite iomallach ann an Earra Ghà idheal, ann am pà irt den chuaraidh as motha anns an Roinn Eòrpa a tha ri taobh na mara. Agus dè na b' fheà rr na dèideag mhòr Tonka airson cluich leis an sin.
Agus bidh Wacky Race eile ann far am bi iad a' dol an aghaidh a chèile - cò bhios air thoiseach an t-seachdain seo?
Calum Iain has a dream come true when he finally gets behind the wheel of a Porsche Carrera 911 4S. The weather may be terrible on test drive day but it can't wipe the smile off his face.
Fiona swaps 4 wheels for two as she joins members of Peterhead Scooter Club on their 25th anniversary rally. Last time she tried two wheels she fell off, let's hope she fares better tonight!
And Murray is in a remote part of Argyll, home to the largest coastal superquarry in Europe, with giant Tonka toys to play with.
There's another Wacky Race to test their driving skills - who will be top of the leaderboard this week?
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Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Calum Iain Mackenzie |
Presenter | Murray MacLeod |
Presenter | Fiona MacKenzie |
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