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Bàta Ceartais an Amasoin/The Justice Boat of the Amazon

Episode 24 of 35

For thirteen years, Judge Sueli Pini has been sailing her 'justice boat' to the population of the North Amazon region.

Airson trì bliadhna deug, tha am Britheamh Sueli Pini air a bhith a' siubhal à prìomh bhaile Macapá gu bailtean iomallach aig Beul An Amasoin a h-uile dàrna mìos. Leis am bàta ceartais aice tha i a' tabhann grunn de sheirbheisean stàid dhan t-sluagh ann an Ceann a Tuath an Amasoin.

For 13 years, Judge Sueli Pini has been travelling from the provincial capital Macapá to the remote villages on the Amazon Delta every two months. With her 'justice boat' she brings a wide range of state services to the population of the North Amazon region.

55 minutes
