The Listening Project Episodes Episode guide
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Omnibus - Someone to Turn To
Whether it's a mentor or a long-standing friend, we all need somebody.
Mel and Flossie - Having It All
Admitting you can't cope is actually a strength.
Louise and Emily - Our Different Paths
We'll do different things together, but friendship and support will still be there.
Michael and Ryan - My Mentor
Giving your all to the point that you're nearly throwing up.
Omnibus - Losing Loved Ones
Whether to a long, slow decline, or to a shockingly sudden death.
Judith and Penny - Vive la Difference
No desperate need to search for another soulmate.
Stuart and Kate - A Shared Grief
Losing a husband and losing a friend.
Lesley and Alan - Growing Down
Losing a loved one to dementia can be like watching the reverse of growing up.
Omnibus - Being Who You Are
Challenging stereotypes and standing tall.
Eileen and Angus - Like Mother Like Son
Surviving the year when your mother is also your class teacher.
Maria and Michael - Proud of Who We Are
As a young black person, to be successful you have to work twice as hard as anyone else.
Chris and Marcus - Standing Out from the Crowd
Bunny O'Hare and Lady Portia Di'Monte explain their bond.
The Listening Project Live from Stoke
A celebration of Stoke-on-Trent and its heritage.
Omnibus - A Certain Stage in Life
Accepting what you can't change later in life, and getting on with what you can change.
Cheryl and Michelle - Fit at Fifty
I can't say that I really enjoy it, but I'm glad when I've done it.
Helen and Joy - Life Is Like a Pack of Cards
Things that happen are often for the best.
David and Jane - Where Do We Belong?
Being involved in restoring Campbeltown Picture House helps an outsider to feel at home.
The Listening Project Live from Dundee
A celebration of Scotland's fourth-largest city.
Omnibus - My Special Brother
Three brothers with special needs and a huge capacity for joy and enthusiasm.
Roari and Alfi - Rainbow Flicks
Dancing and playing football in an electric wheelchair.
Funmi and Faith - I Already Knew
I just wasn't sure if you were ready to tell me.
Dagmar and Adam - Just William
Happiness is knowing there's a Morris 1000 tucked up in the garage.
Omnibus - Health Care
Needles may hurt, but treatment is still a lot less painful than it was before the NHS.
Rab and Nicki - Life at the Sharp End
Don't tell me it's just a scratch!
Marilyn and Aneira - That Was the Plan
The first NHS-born baby, named Aneira in honour of Nye Bevin.
Gavin and Moira - The Power of Touch
Holding a patient's hand or touching their face can give comfort.
Omnibus - Doctors and Nurses
The stresses and the rewards of a career in the NHS.
Steve and Gill - The Joy of Nursing
The patients are amazing people; they're going through all this and just dealing with it.
Belinda and Jane - Work/Life Balance at Hull Royal Infirmary
Waking up at four in the morning, worrying about the ward, worrying about the clinic.
Jan and Julie - Bedpans and Walnut Whips
When we trained we spent thirteen weeks learning how to be compassionate.