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Muinntir Kayapo/Amyu The Army of Waspmen

Episode 30 of 35

In the depths of the Amazon forest, two young Kayapo must undergo a terrible initiatory ordeal by attacking the nest of a dangerous wasp.

Am broinn doimhneachd coille an Amasoin, tuath air Brasil, tha Beptoy agus Baka, dithis Kayapo 貌g a tha fichead bliadhna a dh' aois. Tha an t-脿m aca a bhith nam fireannaich l脿idir agus gaisgeil, mar a tha gaisgich Kayapo daonnan air a bhith. Air am brosnachadh le an sinnsirean, bidh aca ri dhol tro mheasadh uabhasach le bhith a' creachadh nead Amyu, an speach as cunnartaich anns a' choille, 'an speach marbhteach'.

In the depths of the Amazon forest, North of Brazil, Beptoy and Baka are two young Kayapo aged 20. It is time for them to become strong and brave men, as Kayapo warriors have always been. Urged by their elders, they will have to undergo a terrible initiatory ordeal by attacking the nest of Amyu, the most dangerous wasp of the forest, called 'the killer wasp'.

50 minutes
