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C貌 as Treasa?/Who is the Bravest?

Tha Mowgli a' faighneachd do Hathi c貌 an creutair is calma a tha fuireach san dl霉th-choille. Mowgli wonders who's the bravest animal in the jungle.

Tha Mowgli airson faighinn a-mach c貌 an creutair 's calma san dl霉th-choille ach cha toir Hathi freagairt dha. A togail air leis fh猫in, tha e tuiteam dhan tobar. Nuair a thig a sh脿bhaladh, tha Mowgli da-r矛ribh a tuigsinn mu bhith calma.

When Mowgli asks Hathi who the bravest animal in the jungle is, he is answered with a riddle. Unimpressed, Mowgli goes off on his own and finds himself trapped at the bottom of a well. However, his rescue teaches him all he needs to know about bravery.

10 minutes
