Episode 1
Recorded in the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall at Celtic Connections 2012, Songs of Ireland features some of the finest Irish singers and musicians around.
Chaidh Òrain à Èirinn a chlà radh ann an Talla Rìoghail Ghlaschu aig Fèis Ceangal nan Ceilteach 2012. Bha cuid de na seinneadairean is luchd-ciùil as fheà rr às Èirinn anns a' phrògram, nam measg Eleanor McEvoy, Finbar Furey, Cara Dillon, Luka Bloom is Brian Kennedy, agus iad a' seinn nan òran tarraingneach a choisinn cliù do dh'Èirinn. Cluinnear òrain-ghaoil, òrain-eilthireachd is òrain a chomharraich call o linntean eile is o ar latha fhìn, uile air toirt dhuinn on chòmhlan bharraichte
Èireannach/Ameireaganach, Solas. Bithidh Mairianna NicUalraig a' cur fà ilte oirbh don cheòl Èireannach, ealanta seo a chumas sibh fo gheasaibh fad uair a thìde.
Recorded in the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall at Celtic Connections 2012, Songs of Ireland, features some of the finest Irish singers and musicians around. Eleanor McEvoy, Finbar Furey, Cara Dillon, Luka Bloom, Brian Kennedy and many others sing the songs that Ireland's famous for. Love songs, songs of emigration songs of loss, contemporary and traditional are all beautifully accompanied by the house band, top Irish/American group Solas. Mary Ann Kennedy welcomes you to this hour of great Irish music.
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Solas – Hoban’s White House / The Lisnagun Jig
Duration: 01:58
Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Mary Ann Kennedy |
- Sat 22 Sep 2012 21:00
- Sun 23 Sep 2012 22:00
- Fri 28 Sep 2012 22:30
- Sat 18 May 2013 21:00
- Fri 24 May 2013 22:30
- Sat 28 Feb 2015 21:00
- Fri 6 Mar 2015 22:00