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Faslane: 30 Bliadhna de Str矛/Faslane: 30 Years of Action

Episode 4 of 18

Faslane: 30 Years of Action - the story of a peace camp and its people through the years since the cold war.

'S e cruinneachadh de charabhanaichean a th'ann an Campa S矛th Faslane a tha suidhichte faisg air Baile Eilidh. Thathar air a bhith an seo bho 1982, 's iad faisg air Ionad N猫ibhidh a' Chluaidh, no Faslane mar a bh' air - far a bheil armachd niuclasach Bhreatainn air a chumail. San t-Samhradh 2012 bha muinntir a' champa a' cuir air d貌igh 30 l脿 de str矛 son an 30 bhliadhna den champa a chomharrachadh.

Caismeachdan, cuirmean-chnuic agus poilitigs, agus muinntir a' champa a' togail an guthan as 霉r. Tha iadsan agus diofar bhuidhnean eile air am beatha a chuir seachad a' str矛 an aghaidh an t-siostam inneal-cogaidh Trident, agus thathar ag iarraidh an 30 l脿 a chleachdadh gus an deasbad n脿iseanta mu carson a tha e an sin a phiobrachadh.

Ach chan eil c霉is Trident furasta. Ged a tha Riaghaltas Bhreatainn a tha airson Trident a' toirt taic dha, tha connspaid air 猫irigh le Riaghaltas na h-Alba a tha an aghaidh armachd niuclasach.

Faslane Peace Camp is a collection of caravans by the main road outside Helensburgh. It has been occupied as a permanent place of protest since 1982, just a stone's throw from HMNB Clyde - where the UK's nuclear arsenal is maintained.

During the summer of 2012 the residents planned 30 Days of Action, to mark the camp's 30 year anniversary. Protests, picnics and politics abound as the campers make themselves heard afresh to the powers that be. The residents of the camp and affiliated groups have devoted their lives to raising the alarm on the Trident missile system, and want to use the 30 days to stoke the national debate on why it is there.

But the Trident issue is not easily solved. Although the pro-Trident UK Government continues to back it, new tensions are arising with the devolved Scottish anti-nuclear administration.

1 hour
