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Episode 6
Episode 6 of 26
Join Kerry Anne Macleod and Allan MacDonald as they bring science to life with fun experiments you can try at home. Learn to attack the lolly jar and how to hang on to your money.
Thig cuide ri Kerry Anne NicLeòid is Ailean Dòmhnallach airson saidheans a thoirt beò le deuchainnean spòrsail a tha furasta fheuchainn aig an taigh. Am measg na tha ann am prògram an latha an-diugh: dòigh ùr air ionnsaigh a thoirt air loilidhean agus mar a chumas tu grèim air d'airgead.
Join Kerry Anne Macleod and Allan MacDonald as they bring science to life with fun experiments you can try at home. Among the challenges: learn to attack the lolly jar in a whole new way and find out how to hang on to your money.
Last on
Mon 6 Dec 2021
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Anns a’ phrògram-sa
Tha Kerry Anne agus Ailean a’ toirt sealladh air na deuchainnean iongantach seo - carson nach fheuch thu fhèin orra:
- dòigh ùr air ionnsaigh a thoirt air loilidhean
- mar a chumas tu grèim air d’ airgead
- ciall ùr dhan fhar-ainm cluasan mòra
- dè tha dèanamh aodann coileanta
- agus mar a dh’fhalbhas bà ta le brag!
In this episode
Kerry Anne and Allan show you how to:Â
- attack the lolly jar in a whole new way
- hang on to your money
- give new meaning to the name big ears
- find out what makes the perfect face
- and how to make a boat go off with a bang!
Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Allan MacDonald |
Presenter | Kerry Anne MacLeod |
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