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Beò air a' Bhogsa - Buaidh Thiriodh/Tiree - Outside the Box

Episode 10 of 18

A celebration of the Tiree accordion scene and the influence of island tutor Gordon Connell.

'S iomadh cluicheadair bogsa bho eilean beag Thiriodh air taobh Siar na h-Alba a th'air air cliù a chosnadh ann an saoghal ceòl a' bhogsa. Tha seo fhèin iongantach 's gun ach beagan is 700 duine a' fuireach ann. Bho Gunna Sound, Skipinnish, & Skerrvore, gu Trail West bho chionn ghoirid - 's iad cluicheadairean bogsa Thirisdeach a th'aig cridhe gach còmhlain. Tha aon duine gu sònraichte air buaidh mhòr a thoirt air cùisean san eilean. Fear a dh' ionnsaich am bogsa dha fhèin, agus a tha na shàr neach-teagaisg - Gordon Connell. Chaidh obair mhòr Ghordoin aithneachadh aig Duaisean Ceòl Traidiseanta na h-Alba ann an 2010 nuair a chaidh ainmeachadh mar 'Neach-teagaisg Ciùil na Bliadhna'.

The small island of Tiree on the west coast of Scotland with a population of just over 700 has produced a number of box players who have gone to to make their mark on the Scottish accordion scene. From Gunna Sound, Skipinnish and Skerryvore, to Trail West. All have Tiree accordion players at their heart. The secret? The influence of one man; self-taught box player and island tutor, Gordon Connell, who won 'Music Tutor of the Year' at the Scots Trad Music Awards in 2010.

Already with a strong, established musical heritage, Tiree's strong dance scene played its own vital part in the rise of the accordion. Gordon himself has inspired many different generations and, as we hear from some of his ex pupils, he changed the whole mindset of the community. Some of the country's top box players also pay tribute to the role of the mentor, often unappreciated. Among those taking part - Donald Shaw from Capercaille, Angus MacPhail from Skipinnish, Daniel Gillespie from Skerryvore and Phil Cunningham.

1 hour