Episode 3
Alfie is petrified of getting into the car - can dog behaviourist Julie MacDonald help? The class try out greeting other people and dogs and then move on to wait and recall.
Seo seachdain 3 de Sgoil nan Cuileanan agus tha feum aig an clas a bhith modhail is iad ag ionnsachadh ciamar a bhios iad "a' coinneachadh ri coin is daoine ùra" agus bidh na loidhnichean fada aca, gun fhios nach bi feum orra, is iad a' feuchainn "fan" is "till".
'S lugha air Alfie, an Cocker Spaniel, a bhith a' dol dhan char - an urrainn dha eòlaiche Julie Dhòmhnallach cuideachadh le seo?
Agus a bheil Breagha, an Irish Wheaten Terrier agus Jade, an Siberian Husky air adhartas sam bith a dhèanamh aig an taigh leis na dh'ionnsaich iad sa chlas? Tha sinn a' tadhal orra gus faighinn a-mach.
It's week 3 of Puppy School and the class are testing their manners as they try out "greeting other people and dogs" and they'll also have their long lines at the ready as they attempt "wait" and "recall".
Alfie, the Cocker Spaniel is petrified of getting into the car - can dog behaviourist Julie MacDonald help him get over his fear?
And have Breagha, the Irish Wheaten Terrier and Jade, the Siberian Husky, been making any progress at home with what they've learnt in class? We pay them a visit to find out.
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