Tweet of the Day Episodes Available now

Iolo Williams on the Hen Harrier
It was 1974, Iolo Williams was thrilled to see a hen harrier food pass.

Andrew Dawes on the Dipper
Tweet of the Day producer Andrew Dawes recalls watching dippers in Northumberland

Trai Anfield on the Osprey
Wildlife photographer Trai Anfield is in awe of the osprey.

Shirley Henderson on the Sandpiper
For actress Shirley Henderson, a sandpiper reminds her of her father.

Megan McCubbin on the Capercaille
Presenter Megan McCubbin recalls the bizarre calls of male capercaillie at a lek.

Michael Palin on the Dunnock
Michael Palin reveals the inconspicuous dunnock leads a remarkable life.

Iolo Williams on the Golden Plover
For Springwatch presenter Iolo Williams seeing golden plover in Wales is a rarity today.

Trai Anfield on the Cattle Egret
For wildlife photographer Trai Anfield, cattle egrets are always reliable on safari.

Mya Bambrick on the Waxwing
Ornithologist Mya Bambrick presents the waxwing.

Dominic Couzens on the Crossbill
Ornithologist Dominic Couzens reveals why it is called a crossbill.