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Mumbai Baile nam Bruadar/Mumbai: The Dream and the Excess

Film on the challenges facing Mumbai to ensure that vulnerable people are not forgotten in the race to grow a mega-city.

Ro bheairteach, ro bhochd, agus le d霉mhlachd-sluaigh mar nach eil an 脿ite sam bith eile san t-saoghal - tha c貌rr is naoi-deug millean neach a' fuireach ann am Mumbai. Tha am fiolm seo ag innse sgeulachd a' bhaile mh貌ir seo, a tha a' meudachadh aig 矛re mh貌r agus na d霉bhlanan co-cheangailte ris an fheadhainn a dh'fhaodadh a bhith air am br霉thadh san r猫is gus m貌r-bhaile ainmeil fhaighinn.

Too rich, too poor and overpopulated, Mumbai is one of the largest urban concentrations on the planet, with more than 19 million inhabitants. This film tells the story of a fast-growing city and what challenges there are in ensuring the vulnerable are not squashed in the race to grow a mega-city.

55 minutes

