Episode 5
Music and chat from virtuoso musician Tim Edey and band, recorded at Glasgow's Fruitmarket during Celtic Connections, 2013.
Air an clà radh aig Fruitmarket Ghlaschu aig à m fèis Celtic Connections, 2013, ceòl agus còmhradh bho'n sà r neach-ciùil, Tim Edey, agus a chòmhlan chliùteach Solas a bha a'taisbeanadh clà r ùr, Shamrock City.
Gheibh Tim Edey port a ionnstramaid sam bidh agus tha daoine air feadh an t-saoghal a meas a sgilean-ciùil. Còmhla ris air stèids, tha Peter Gazey air giotar agus pìobaire cho math 's a th'againn, Ross Ainslie.
A'falbh bho'n à rd-ùrlar, tha Tim a toirt sealladh dhuinn d'en t-saoghal aige.Chuir an cluicheadair chliùteach, Seamus Egan, a chòmhlan Solus air bhonn bho chionn 15 bliadhna agus an-duigh, tha Solas air còmhlan Èireannach-Ameireaganach cho cliùiteach 's a tha dèanamh chlà r is chuairtean anns an Stà itean.
Nuair a chuir iad stùr à saoghal a chiùil an toiseach o chionn choig bliadhn' deug air ais, chòrd iad sa bhad ri luchd-leantainn air gach taobh dhen Chuan Siar.
Recorded at Glasgow's Fruitmarket during Celtic Connections, 2013, virtuoso musician Tim Edey and band support Irish-American supergroup, Solas, who debut their Shamrock City album. Tim Edey can get a tune out of practically any instrument and he's in demand around the world for his playing. Joining him onstage are guitarist Peter Gazey and the brilliant piper Ross Ainslie. In conversation, Tim gives an insight into his playing and his music.
The headliners, Solas, were formed 15 years ago by Seamus Egan, the celebrated Irish American multi-instrumentalist. Growing up in a musical household in Ireland, Seamus displayed an early talent for music and was hugely influenced by the traditional music scene.
Since their formation, Solas have enjoyed success as a touring and recording act and are highly respected by fans and musicians alike, with a fanbase all over the world.
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