Documentary revisiting the progress of three renal failure patients, two years on, and looking at the emotional and challenging journeys they've experienced.
Bho 2010 gu 2012, bha Trusadh a' leantainn euslaintich a bha a' fulang le fà iligeadh nan dubhag air na slighean aca gus tiodhlac sònraichte de dhubhag ùr fhaighinn. An-drà sta, tha sia ceud duine air liosta ath-chur nan dubhag ann an Alba.
Tha a' chuid mhòr aca an urra ri haemodialysis gus am faigh iad cuideigin a bheir dubhag dhaibh. Ged a tha ceathrad 's a h-aon a-mach às a' cheud de dh' Albannaich air an clà radh airson dubhagan a thoirt seachad - an à ireamh as motha ann am Breatainn - gu mì- fhortanach, dha cuid de dh' euslaintich, chan fhaigh iad dubhag a bhios freagarrach dhaibh a-chaoidh.
Dà bhliadhna air adhart, tha Trusadh a' coinneachadh a-rithist ri triùir a bh' anns a' chiad phrògram 's a' faighinn a-mach mu na slighean duilich dùbhlanach aca 's iad ag amas air beatha ùr.
In 2012, Trusadh followed some of Scotland's renal failure patients on their paths to secure the life changing gift of a new kidney. There are currently 600 people on Scotland's kidney transplant list, and most have to rely on haemodialysis to survive until a donor is found.
Although forty-one percent of Scots are registered as organ donors - the highest in the UK - sadly, for some patients, a suitable match will never be found. Two years on, the series rejoins three of the original contributors on their emotional and challenging journeys to secure a second chance at life.
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Daoine a tha a’ feitheamh tiodhlac prìseil
Duration: 01:45
- Mon 20 Jan 2014 22:00
- Tue 21 Jan 2014 23:00