Documentary on the men of Nepal who risk their lives climbing the Himalayas, to gather the honey of wild bees.
Ann an iar-thuath Nepal, tha na fir a' dìreadh aghaidhean cas nan creagan sna Himalayas gus mil nan seilleanan fhaighinn. Tha na streapadairean sgileil seo gan cur fhèin ann an cunnart gach bliadhna, aig à irde còrr is trì mìle meatair, far an tig iad aghaidh ri aghaidh ri seilleanan mòra Apis Laboriosa, na seilleanan as motha air a' phlanaid.
Am-bliadhna, thèid Moti, balach òg, còmhla riutha, agus streapaidh e na creagan airson a' chiad uair. Tha esan airson mil a chruinneachadh mar a tha athair a' dèanam.
In the northwest of Nepal, men scale the vertiginous rock faces of the Himalayas to gather the honey of wild bees. These expert climbers risk their lives every spring at an altitude of more than 3,000 metres where they face the giant Apis Laboriosa bees, the biggest species on the planet.
This year, Moti, a young boy, will be part of the expedition and will climb the cliffs for the first time. He'd like to become a honey hunter like his father.
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- Wed 22 Jan 2014 21:00
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