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Episode 8

·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ examines the plight of the bankrupt Romanian town of Aninoasa and also visits Belgium, where the government intends to adopt a policy in favour of child euthanasia.

A-nochd bi ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ a' tadhail air baile briste Aninoasa ann a Romàinia, agus cuideachd A' Bheilg far a bheil an riaghaltas an duil gabhail ri poileasaidh a tha moladh bàs roghnaichte cloinne.

·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ examines the plight of the bankrupt Romanian town of Aninoasa and also visits Belgium, where the government intends to adopt a policy in favour of child euthanasia.

30 minutes


Bha Aninoasa air taobh Siar Romàinia am measg na prìomh làraich ann an gnìomhachas guail na dùthcha. Bha mèinn air iomall a’ bhaile a bha a’ toirt cosnadh dha suas ri 7,000 aig an ìre as trainge. Ach air sgàth cosgaisean àrd – chaidh a’ mhèinn a dhùnadh ann an 2006. Às dèidh greis, cha b’ urrainn dhan ùghdarras ionadail na cosgaisean aca a phàigheadh agus b’ fheudar dhaibh ceum air leth duilich a ghabhail. Chaidh Aninoasa a’ ghairm banca-briste.

Chan eil mòran chothroman cosnaidh ann an-diugh agus thathas a’ tomhais gu bheil faisg air an dàrna leth de mhuinntir na sgìre air fàgail, a shireadh obraichean ann an àiteachan eile. Tha a’ bhaile a-nis a’ feuchainn ri gnìomhachas ùr a thàladh a-steach agus grèim a chumail air na daoine a tha fhathast ann. Chaidh Alasdair Friseal gu Aninoasa a choinneachadh ri muinntir a’ bhaile.


Aninoasa in Western Romania was among the main sites in the country’s coal industry. The mine on the outskirts of the town employed up to 7,000 during its busiest period.  Due to high costs the mine was closed down in 2006. After a while the local authority was no longer able to cover its costs  and eventually decided to take a very difficult step. Aninoasa was declared bankrupt.

There are few employment opportunities available today and it’s estimated that nearly half of the population has left to seek work elsewhere. The town is now trying to attract new businesses and investment as it struggles to keep a hold of those who remain. Alasdair Fraser travels to Aninoasa to meet the townsfolk.

Bàs le aonta sa Bheilg

Tha bàs le aonta do dh’inbhich air a bhith ceadaichte anns a’ Bheilg bho 2002 agus bhon uair sin, tha na mìltean de dhaoine air roghnachadh crìoch a thoirt air am beatha san dòigh seo.  Tha buidheann de dhotairean san dùthaich ag amas air an lagh a leudachadh gu clann air a bheil tinneasan bàsmhoir.  Ma thachras e, ‘s e a’ Bheilg a’ chiad dùthaich san t-saoghal far nach bi aois sònraichte co-cheangailte ri bàs le aonta.  Le cunntasan-sluaigh a’ sealltainn gu bheil a’ mhòr-chuid de mhuinntir na dùthcha airson an atharrachadh san lagh, tha h-uile coltas ann gun tachair e.  Tha Anne Lundon a’ bruidhinn ri pàrantan de chlann air an robh tinneasan bàsmhoir agus aig a bheil beachdan làidir ‘s gu math eadar-dhealaichte mun ghnothach. 

Euthanasia in Belgium

Since 2002, adults in Belgium have had the legal right to request euthanasia, a right which thousands of people have exercised in the intervening years.  A group of doctors are fighting to extend the law to children with terminal illnesses.  Should their wish be granted, Belgium would become the first country in the world with no age restriction for euthanasia.  Opinion polls show that a majority of Belgians support the change in the law and there is every indication that it will be passed.    Anne Lundon speaks to parents of children who had terminal illnesses and who have very strong but differing opinions on the matter.


Role Contributor
Producer Rebecca MacLennan


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