Episode 1
Mairi MacRitchie meets some of the country's best bakers, who share some of their favourite recipes. In this first programme, she looks at recipes using dried fruit and nuts.
Tha Mà iri NicRisnidh a'falbh air chuairt chòcaireachd eile air feadh na Gà idhealtachd, a'cèilidh air feadhainn dhe na bèiceirean is sgileil agus a'cluinntinn dè na rudan matha is fheà rr leothasan a bhi fuine.
Anns an t-sreath seo seallaidh bèiceirean ealanta dhith dè nì i le rudan eadar-dhealaichte, leithid measan thioram is cnòthan, grà n, teòclaid, deoch-là idir agus iomadh rud eile. Bho pà idh liomain meringue ann an Leòdhas gu briosgaidean air bhlas lus-liath an Inbhirnis: bi greim a chòrdas ris a h-uile duine anns an t-sreath seo.
Tha Mà iri fhèin fìor mhath air bèiceirachd agus bi i trang leis a'chlà r-fuine na dachaidh an Uibhist a Tuath. Le brosnachadh bho na bèiceirean air am bi i a'tachairt, seallaidh i dhuinn feadhainn dhe na rudan blasta a bhios ise a'dèanamh dhan teaghlach.
Mairi MacRitchie embarks on another culinary adventure as she travels the GÃ idhealtachd meeting some of the country's finest bakers and they share with her their favourite and most treasured recipes. In this programme, she looks at recipes using dried fruit and nuts
Throughout the she'll be picking up tips from skilled home-bakers on how to use particular ingredients in her baking such as dried fruit and nuts, eggs, fresh fruit, vegetables, chocolate and many more. From favourites such as lemon meringue pie in Lewis, to more unusual treats like lavender biscuits in Inverness, there is something to tickle everyone's taste buds in this series.
Mairi, a skilled baker herself, will also be hard at work in her own kitchen in North Uist. Inspired by the fabulous bakers she meets, she'll share some of her own recipes, using specific ingredients to make delicious treats for all the family.
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