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Banais Zanskar/Messengers of Zanskar

Documentary examining the eternal confrontation between tradition and modernity, in the small Himalayan village of Skagam.

'S e stiùiriche a th' ann an Likden ann an Skagam a th' aig àirde trì mìle is seachd ceud meatair ann an gleann Zanskar as na Himalayas. An dèidh dha a bhith ann an còmhradh-rèiteachaidh le teaghlach a' mhnatha, tha e a-nise a' dol a phòsadh.

Tha ceithir latha de dh'ullachadh aca airson na bainnse, agus 's e na Nyopas, stiùirichean spioradail na coimhearsnachd, a tha os cionn nan deas-ghnàthan traidiseanta. Ged a tha dòigh-beatha Skagam mar gu bheil i steicte sna linnteann a dh'fhalbh, tha fònaichean-làimhe agus an t-eadar-lìon a' nochdadh, agus 's iongantach mura toir seo atharrachaidhean oirre.

Tha am fiolm seo a' sealltainn an strì eadar modhan traidiseanta agus modhan ùra.

Likden is a trekking guide living in Skagam located 3,700 meters high in the Himalayan valley of Zanskar. After four years of negotiation with the bride's family, he is now getting married. The preparation of the ritual lasts 4 days and the Nyopas, the spiritual guides of the community, are responsible for the observance of the ancestral traditions.

Even if the lifestyle in Skagam seems stuck in the past, the emergence of mobile phones and the internet is raising news hopes. Through this Himalayan wedding, this film shows the eternal confrontation between tradition and modernity.

56 minutes
