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Episode 7

Episode 7 of 9

Gaelic motoring show. Donnie has his foot on the floor at Knockhill, where he joins a 'hot hatch' event, and Linda is testing the new Mercedes A class.

Tha Donaidh aig astar ann an Knockhill, agus e an sàs ann an tachartas 'hot hatch'. Eu-coltach ri rathaidean poblach, faodaidh tu dràibheadh cho luath 's a thogras tu air an raon, gun chasg astair sam bith! Tha Donaidh a' faighinn sàr-oideachadh air mar a dhràibheas tu gu sàbhailte aig astar, agus tha a h-uile diog a' còrdadh ris.

Tha Linda a' dràibheadh Mercedes A Class ùr ann am Mon Rois. Tha e loma-làn fheartan ùra agus tha i a' feuchainn an t-siostam fèin-parcaidh. An urrainn dhan chàr parcadh nas fheàrr gun làmhan air a' chuibheall?

Tha bùrach ann an Rèisean Craicte - an lùghdaich an t-astar eadar Murray agus an còrr? Tha Donaidh agus Linda a' dèanamh nas urrainn dhaibh gus an cupa a sguabadh bhuaithe. Agus tha Morven Ghreumach ag innse dhuinn carson a 's e Honda Civic an càr air a son fhèin.

Donnie has his foot on the floor on the Knockhill racing circuit, where he joins petrolheads on a 'hot hatch' day. Unlike public roads, you can drive as fast as you like on the track, with no speed restrictions!

Donnie gets a masterclass on how to drive safely at speed, and enjoys every minute. Linda is test driving the new Mercedes A class in Montrose. It's packed full of new safety features and she decides to try the self park system.

Can the car really park better without her hands on the steering wheel? Wacky Races gets messy this week - can Murray's lead be toppled? Donnie and Linda are determined to wrestle the Cup from his grasp. And Morven Graham tells us why her Honda Civic is the right car for her.

30 minutes