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Laraidh am Muncaidh Langur/Larry the Langur Monkey

Investigative guides which reveal amazing facts about members of the animal kingdom. Today's focus is on Larry, an eight-month-old Hanuman Langur monkey.

Investigative guides which reveal amazing facts about members of the animal kingdom. Today's focus is on Larry, an eight-month-old Hanuman Langur monkey who lives with his family in the middle of the ancient city of Jodhpur, the Blue City. The city is home to more than 800,000 people but the monkeys live up on the roofs of their houses. The monkey troop is centred on females - mothers and babies, aunts and grannies. They stay in this family their whole lives, up to 20 years.

Larry's dad is the Lord of the Blue City, the only adult male monkey in the troop and the father of all its youngsters. Larry will have to learn to steal food at the market, to dodge traffic and the threat of electrocution. Another threat is a tough bachelor gang of males living outside the city. Their leader wants to take over the Blue City. Can Larry's father survive this challenge?

Sreath a tha a' toirt thugainn fiosrachadh a tha inntinneach agus iongantach mu chuid de na h-ainmhidhean as fhe脿rr leinn uile. An-diugh, tha sinn ag ionnsachadh mu Laraidh, muncaidh Hanuman Langur a tha 8 m矛osan a dh'aois agus a' fuireach cuide ri theaghlach ann an seann bhaile Jodphur, am Baile Gorm. Tha c貌rr is 800,000 duine a' fuireach sa bhaile le na muncaidhean a' fuireach air mullach an taighean.'S ann air an fheadhainn bhoireann a tha a' bhuidheann mhuncaidhean st猫idhte agus bidh iad san teaghlach fad am beatha, suas ri 20 bliadhna. 'S e athair Laraidh an aon inbheach fireann sa bhuidheann agus 's e athair an fheadhainn 貌ga uile.Tha Laraidh ag ionnsachadh mar a ghoideas e biadh is mar a sheachnas e c脿raichean is u猫irichean dealain ach tha cunnart eile o ghr脿isg bhaidsealairean a tha fuireach taobh a-muigh a' bhaile.

24 minutes


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