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Truailleadh Cronail
Episode 20 of 26
Children's show. The river is polluted and is poisoning the horses who drink from it. The friends investigate and discover that there is a company responsible.
Tha an abhainn air a thruailleadh agus tha seo air cron a dhèanamh air na h-eich a bhios ag òl à s. An-dèidh rannsachadh a dhèanamh tha iad a' faighinn a-mach gur e companaidh a tha air cùl an sgrios uamhasach a tha seo.
The local river has been polluted and the horses who drink from it are being poisoned. After looking into things, the friends discover that it's a company who are responsible for the pollution.
Last on
Sun 7 May 2017
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Tha an sgioba trang a’ togail dhealbhan!
Duration: 00:46
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