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Episode 1 of 8

Series in which cook and artist Heather Dewar explores Hebridean communities. In this first episode, Heather visits Scalpay at an exciting time in the island's history.

Tha Fraoch Nic an Deòir na còcaire agus na neach-ealain, agus moiteil gum buin i dha na h-eileanan - ach cleas iomadh eileanach, chan eil cus eòlais aice ach air eilean a h-àraich - Ìle. Anns an t-sreath seo tha i a'cuir cùl ris an dachaigh agus a'cuir eòlas air ochd eileanan eile, agus a'faighinn a-mach dè tha sònraichte mun deidhinn.

Anns a' cheud phrògram san t-sreath tha Fraoch a'tadhal air Sgalpaigh [na Hearadh] aig àm inntinneach na eachdraidh, agus a'choimhearsnachd an impis an eilean a ghabhail thairis. Tha i a'tachairt air feadhainn a bha ag iasgach ann am bliadhnaichean an t-saoibhreis, nuair a bha an sgadan pailt sna seachdadan.

Tha i a'coiseachd a-mach gu taigh-soluis an Eilein Ghlais, fear dhen a cheud cheithir thaighean-soluis an Alba. Agus tha i a'tadhal air sead na beairte aig Sheila Roderick, a rinn aodach is anart airson na filmichean is ainmeile.

Cook and artist Heather Dewar is a proud Hebridean but, like many islanders, the only island she really knows is her own - Islay.

In this series Heather leaves the familiarity of home to explore eight island communities and find out what, and who, makes them unique.

In the first programme in the series Heather visits Scalpay at an exciting time in the island's history as the community prepares to take over ownership of their island. She chats with a few of the island's fishermen about the heyday of the industry on the island - the 1970s, when ring-net fishing was producing large and lucrative catches of herring.

She takes a walk out to the iconic Eilean Glas lighthouse, one of the original four lights commissioned by the Commissioners of the Northern Lights. And she stops by the loom shed of weaver Sheila Roderick whose textiles have made it onto the sets of major blockbuster movies.

29 minutes

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