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Episode 3 of 8

Series in which cook and artist Heather Dewar explores Hebridean communities. In this episode, Heather visits Tiree, known as 'the land below the waves' due to its flat terrain.

Tha Fraoch Nic an Deòir a' leantail oirre le a cuairt tro na h-eileanan - a nis a'tadhal air Tiriodh, ris an canar an 'tìr fo thuinn' chionns gu bheil e cho ìosal. Tha i a' faicinn spiorad na coimhearsnachd nuair a thadhlas i air club diathaid nan seann daoine.

Tha i a'seanchas ri nighean cruiteir, Seònaid Nic 'Ille Dhuinn, mu chruiteireachd sna seann làithean, agus a'coinneachadh ri Rhoda Meek, a tha ag innse dhi mu obair Urras na Mara, a glèidheadh eathraichean thraidiseanta an eilein.

Tha i a'tarraing dhealbhan thaighean breac an eilein, agus a'cluinntinn bhon Ollamh Dòmhnall Meek carson a chruthaich an t-einnseanar Ailean Stevenson baile Haoidhnis, nuair a bha e a'togail taigh-soluis na Sgeire Mòire.

Cook and artist Heather Dewar continues her tour of the islands and visits the beautiful Isle of Tiree, known as 'the land below the waves' because of its flat terrain. Here she gets a glimpse of real community spirit whilst visiting the island's lunch club for retired residents.

She calls in on Tiree-born crofter's daughter Seònaid Brown to reminisce about the old days of crofting on the island and meets Rhoda Meek who tells her about the Maritime Trust's work to conserve the island's traditional fishing boats.

She takes time out to sketch the island's unusual 'pudding' or 'spotted' houses before visiting Hynish where Professor Donald Meek tells her why, and how, lighthouse engineer Alan Stevenson created the village as a base from which to build Skerryvore Lighthouse. And she takes a stroll on the beach with Floyd, one of the few remaining Clydesdale Horses on the island which was once an important horse breeding centre.

29 minutes