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Episode 3

Derek MacKay and co-host Coinneach Smith present the best of entertainment, craic and great music. In this show, guests include sketch show star Graeme Rooney and Salt House.

Bidh craic, c貌mhradh agus f矛or dheagh che貌l am pailteas ann an taigh-sheinnse Gun Sgot. An t-seachdain seo, bidh Derek MacAoidh agus Coinneach Mac a Ghobhainn a' cur f脿ilte air aoighean s貌nraichte agus air na sgiobaidhean a bhios a' tadhail airson a' chraic agus an fharpais.

Bidh an cleasaiche Graeme Rooney, an "Ginge" bhon phr貌gram 麻豆官网首页入口 "The Ginge, the Geordie and the Geek" a' cabadaich ri Derek mu obair a tha e air a dh猫anamh air st猫idse agus air telebhisean. Cuideachd, cluinnidh sinn d脿 貌ran bhon ch貌mhlan Salt House, nam measg "Little Birdie", agus bidh Willie Campbell 脿 Le貌dhas a' seinn "Time Stood Still" agus a' bruidhinn mu na cl脿raidhean 霉r, G脿idhlig aige.

Bidh Ricky Hannaway, Kieran MacAonghais agus Mick MacN猫ill a' sti霉ireadh na sgiobaidhean aca tro ghrunnd chuairtean de cheistean 's de dh霉bhlain a chuireas an e貌las gu deuchainn air iomadh cuspair, deoch l脿idir nam measg. Feumaidh iad tomhas a dh猫anamh air f矛rinn na n脿ire aig Graeme Rooney agus air na stuthan inntinneach a bhios M脿iread Hamilton a' cur gu feum ann an deoch na seachdain.

The best of entertainment, craic and great music are guaranteed in the Gun Sgot pub. In this episode, presenter Derek MacKay and co-host Coinneach Smith welcome special guests and teams of regulars to the pub.

Graeme Rooney, the 'Ginge' from 麻豆官网首页入口 sketch show The Ginge, the Geordie and the Geek, chats to Derek about his stage and TV career, folk band Salt House perform two of their songs, including 'Little Birdie', and Lewis-based singer-songwriter Willie Campbell sings Time Stood Still and talks about his new Gaelic recordings.

Three teams of pub punters take part in the Gun Sgot quiz and compete for the trophy. Captains Ricky Hannaway, Keiran MacInnes and Mick MacNeill lead their teams through several rounds of questions and challenges which test their knowledge of many things, including alcohol. They pit their wits against Graeme Rooney and decide which one of his most embarrassing stage moments is true, and sample a cocktail made by resident mixologist Mairead Hamilton.

59 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Derek Mackay
Presenter Coinneach Smith
Interviewed Guest Graeme Rooney
Music Group Salt House
Performer Willie Campbell
Participant Ricky Hannaway
Participant Keiran MacInnes
Participant Mick MacNeill
Participant Mairead Hamilton
