Documentary telling the story of Australia's worst natural disaster in recorded history, a firestorm which swept across Victoria and claimed 173 lives in 2009.
Air an seachdamh latha dhen Ghearran dà mhìle 's a naoi, dh'fhuiling Astrà ilia an tubaist nà darra a bu mhiosa a dh'fhuiling i a-riamh na h-eachdraidh. Chaill ceud seachdad 's a trì am beatha nuair a stiall stoirm-teine tro Bhictoria. B' ann ann am baile Strathewen, ceathrad cilemeatair à Melbourne a bu mhiosa an t-uabhas.
San fhiolm, 'Nuair a thionndadh a' ghaoth', tha Celeste Geer bhon bhaile agus a tha na neach-fhiolmaidh, ag innse mar a thachair dha na nà baidhean aice agus dhan teaghlach aice fhèin, 's iad a-nise a' togail beatha ùr dhaibh fhèin san dà bhliadhna o ghabh an teine à ite.
On 7 February 2009, Australia suffered its worst natural disaster in recorded history. A firestorm of cyclonic fury swept across Victoria and 173 lives were lost. Nowhere was the destruction more terrible than in the tiny hamlet of Strathewen, only 40 km's from Melbourne.
In this programme, local resident and filmmaker Celeste Geer interweaves her own family's story with those of her neighbours and friends as they struggle to rebuild their shattered lives in the two and a half years following the fires.
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- Wed 30 Apr 2014 21:00
- Thu 1 May 2014 22:30
- Thu 30 Jul 2015 22:30
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