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Episode 14

Entertainment, craic and music from the Gun Sgot pub. The second of two compilation shows, as host Derek MacKay welcomes stars of stage, screen and music, to the Gun Sgot pub.

Ann am pr貌gram le cuid den chraic 's den che貌l a b' fhe脿rr san t-sreath, bidh Derek MacAoidh a' cur f脿ilte air cleasaichean cli霉iteach, deagh sheinneadairean agus luchd-tadhail sp貌rsail. Am-measg an luchd-ci霉il bidh Rob Green, The Sea Atlas agus The Angus Nicolson Trio, agus an luib a' ch貌mhraidh bidh na cleasaichean Gavin Mitchell agus Ronnie McCann.

Cuiridh sinn aithne as 霉r air farpaisich a bha na b' fhe脿rr na cuid eile agus cuiridh Derek nar cuimhne cho s貌nraichte sa bha na deochan annasach a dheasaich Mairead Hamilton dhaibh uile. Tha an t-sreath air a sti霉ireadh le M矛cheal Hines agus air a riochdachadh airson Sealladh le M貌rag Sti霉bhart.

The best of entertainment, craic and great music are guaranteed in the Gun Sgot pub.

In the second Gun Sgot compilation show, host Derek MacKay introduces highlights from the series and revisits the craic and music with guests and punters. Music snug acts include Face the West, Rob Green, Colin Macleod, The Sea Atlas and The Angus Nicolson Trio and special guests include Scottish actors Gavin Mitchell and Ronnie McCann as well as sports journalist Annie McGuire.

Quiz highlights will feature winners and losers, and include a reminder of some of the best cocktails made by resident mixologist Mairead Hamilton. The programme is directed by Michael Hines and produced for Sealladh by Morag Stewart.

58 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Derek Mackay


Coimhead a-rithist: The Sea Atlas

Coimhead a-rithist: The Sea Atlas

Watch again: The Sea Atlas.

Na criomagan gu l猫ir bhon t-sreath

All clips from the series.