Episode 3
Documentary series about the work of the Scottish Paediatric Retrieval Service. In this programme, a critically ill baby from Dundee is brought to intensive care in Glasgow.
Aig cridhe Seirbheis N脿iseanta na Sl脿inte ann an Alba, tha An t-Seirbheis Gairm Chloinne a' solarachadh seirbheis s貌nraichte. Latha 's a dh'oidhche, tha sgioba de dhotairean agus luchd-altraim deiseil airson c霉ram-l猫igh a thoirt do chloinn ge bith c脿ite a bheil iad ann an Alba. Air an t-seachdain seo, tha an sgioba a' toirt leanabh a' fulang le galar broilleach gu Ospadal Yorkhill airson obair-lannsa 猫iginneach. Nighean 貌g air a gi霉lain 脿 Inbhir Uige a Ghlaschu ann an heileacoptair as d猫idh taom na cuing-analach. Agus leanabh a chaidh a bhreith ro-thr脿th le tinneas-sgamhain a' faighinn cobhair airson a bheatha a sh脿bhaladh.
The Scottish Paediatric Retrieval Service provides a unique and vital service at the heart of Scotland's NHS. Operating 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, this team of specialist doctors and nurses are on call to ensure that critically ill children receive life-saving treatment wherever they are in Scotland.
In this episode the team transfer a child to the Yorkhill hospital for emergency surgery after a chest infection becomes serious. A young girl is brought from Wick to Glasgow by air ambulance after suffering an acute asthma attack. And a very sick premature baby with a serious lung condition requires emergency treatment to try to save his life.
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