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Episode 4

Episode 4 of 6

Documentary series. The Paediatric Retrieval Service fly to Shetland to rescue a small baby who has stopped breathing and a boy is rushed from Inverness to Edinburgh for surgery.

Aig cridhe Seirbheis Nàiseanta na Slàinte ann an Alba, tha An t-Seirbheis Gairm Chloinne a' solarachadh seirbheis sònraichte. Latha 's a dh'oidhche, tha sgioba de dhotairean agus luchd-altraim deiseil airson cùram-lèigh a thoirt do chloinn ge bith càite a bheil iad ann an Alba.

Air an t-seachdain-sa, tha an t-Seirbheis Gairm Chloinne gus cobhair a thoirt do leanabh tinn ann an Sealtainn. Chaidh a thoirt dhan ospadal ann an Lèiruig nuair a sguir è anail a ghabhail agus e a' dol tro ghlacadh-bodhaig. Feumaidh iad an leanabh a ghiùlain gu ospadal ann an Dùn Èideann, dha na h-uidheaman gleidheadh-beatha aca.

Balach à Inbhir_Nis ann an cunnart agus fuil a' sileadh a-steach dha eanchainn. Feumaidh an sgioba a thoirt a Dhùn Èideann airson obair-lannsa èiginneach air eanchainn.

Agus tha an sgioba a' toirt trèanadh seachad ann an coimhearsnachdan iomallach.

The Scottish Paediatric Retrieval Service provides a unique and vital service at the heart of Scotland's NHS. Operating 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, this team of specialist doctors and nurses are on call to ensure that critically ill children receive life-saving treatment wherever they are in Scotland.

This week the Retrieval Team are called to Shetland after a small baby is admitted to hospital in Lerwick suffering from a seizure which has stopped him breathing - he urgently needs to be flown to Edinburgh for intensive care.

A young boy in Inverness suffers an unexpected brain haemorrhage - the Retrieval Team must get him to Edinburgh for emergency brain surgery to save his life.

And the team take their mobile medical unit on the road to deliver paediatric training to rural communities.

30 minutes