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Episode 6

Episode 6 of 6

Documentary looking at the work of the Scottish Paediatric Retrieval Service. In the final programme, a young boy from Belfast is flown to Glasgow for life-saving treatment.

Aig cridhe Seirbheis Nàiseanta na Slàinte ann an Alba, tha an t-Seirbheis Gairm Chloinne a' solarachadh seirbheis sònraichte. Latha 's a dh'oidhche, tha sgioba de dhotairean agus luchd-altraim deiseil airson cùram-lèigh a thoirt do chloinn ge bith càite a bheil iad ann an Alba.

Air an t-seachdain-sa, tha bhioras a' ciallachadh gu feum cobhair a dhèanamh air leanabh 14 mìosan a dh'àois às an t-Òban a tha a' strì le dìth anail. Balach à Beul Feirste a tha uabhasach ìosal air a ghiùlain a Ghlaschu gus am faigh e an cùram-slàinte as fheàrr 's a gheibhear anns an Rìoghachd Aonaichte.

Agus tha an t-Seirbheis Gairm Chloinne a' faighinn trèanadh mionaideach còmhla ris an Cabhlach Rìoghail airson an cuideachadh le bhith a' giùlain clann a th' ann an èiginn agus gu mòr an eisimeil air uidheamachd dlùth-aire.

The Scottish Paediatric Retrieval Service provides a unique and vital service at the heart of Scotland's NHS. Operating 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, this team of specialist doctors and nurses are on call to ensure that critically ill children receive life-saving treatment wherever they are in Scotland.

In the final episode, a virus leads to an emergency call-out from Oban for a 14-month-old baby who's struggling to breathe. A critically ill boy is flown from Belfast to Glasgow for the most advanced medical care available in the UK. And the retrieval team go through rigorous training with the Royal Navy to rehearse moving critically ill children on advanced life support.

30 minutes

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