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Stockton's Wing

Folk-pop band, Stockton's Wing, perform at the Old Fruitmarket as part of Celtic Connections 2014.

Cuirm@Celtic: Stockton's Wing. Air 脿rd-霉rlar a Fruitmarket. Thainig Stockton's Wing air adhart mar chumhachd 霉r ann an ce貌l traidiseanta, agus gu dearbha bha buaidh l脿idir aca air a' ghluasad sin anns na 80an agus na 90an. Bha iad a' faighinn reic mhath air na cl脿ran aca san Roinn E貌rpa agus ann an Ameireagaidh agus a soirbheachadh aig 矛re eadar-n脿iseanta.

Bha an dreach ci霉il folk-pop aca air a bhonntachadh air na h-貌rain aig Mike Hanrahan - dreach a chuir am blas fh猫in air ce貌l traidiseanta. Thar c貌rr is d脿 dheichead tro chuairtean is chl脿ran, thug an c貌mhlan buaidh air ginealach sl脿n de luchd-ci霉il 脠ireannach. 脌s d猫idh bliadhna sh脿mhach no dh脿, th脿inig iad air ais c貌mhla airson cuirm L脿 Naomh P脿draig ann am Baile Ath Cliath - tighinn-c貌mhla air an do chuir luchd-leantainn f脿ilte thar tomhais.

Tha Mike Hanrahan a' tilleadh gu 脿rd-霉rlar Celtic Connections le dithis eile a st猫idhich Stockton's Wing - Paul Roche agus Tommy Hayes - agus c貌mhla riutha tha am f矛dhleir, Dezi Donnelly agus Enda Scahill air banjo and mandolin.

Stockton's Wing. In concert at the Old Fruitmarket. The band dominated the folk scene of the 1980s and 90s. Their albums sold well in Europe, as well as in America, achieving major international success.

Their folk-pop sound was built around Mike Hanrahan's original songs - they took traditional music and made their own sound. For over two decades the band toured and recorded and an entire generation of Irish musicians was influenced by the band.

After a few quiet years, the band came together for an ecstatically received St Patrick's Day reunion in Dublin in 2013. Mike Hanrahan returns to the Celtic Connection stage with founder members Paul Roche and Tommy Hayes, plus fiddler Dezi Donnelly and Enda Scahill on banjo and mandolin.

45 minutes



Role Contributor
Music Group Stockton's Wing
