Episode 1
Documentary following Glasgow student Gemma Steele who, having set up one orphanage in Kenya, is now orchestrating the building of another, hoping to provide beds for 40 children.
Aig d矛reach 23 bliadhna a dh' aois, tha uallach aig an oileanach Gemma Steele 脿 Glaschu - a bhuannaich an duais airson 'Unsung Hero' aig Duaisean 'Young Scot' 2014 - son cor 25 p脿iste san taigh dh矛lleachdan a thog i ann an Nakuru, Kenya. Le taic ionmhais agus cuideachadh practaigeach bho mhuinntir Uibhist, dh' fhosgail Dachaigh Chloinne St Jerome's a thog Gemma na deugaire, ann
an 2012. Tha e na dhachaigh ghr脿dhach dha clann eadar 4 agus 18 bliadhn' a dh' aois a bhiodh air na sr脿idean, 脿s aonais. Sealladh togarrach agus tlachdmhor air boireannach 貌g air leth a tha air earbs' dh矛lleachdan agus sp猫is muinntir na h-Alba a chosnadh, agus sinn ga leantainn air slighe pr貌iseict 霉ir. Leanaidh sinn Gemma na h-amas gus an d脿rna dachaigh sh貌nraichte aice a st猫idheachadh ann an Kenya - agus a' bhuidheann air dhreach daonnachd, Orkidstudio, 脿 Glaschu ga thogail dhith - le leapannan airson 40 d矛lleachdan agus r霉m ann airson leudachadh. An d猫an iad a' ch霉is ge-t脿 cr矛och a chur air an togalach san 霉ine a' ruith 's gun ach ochd seachdainean aca?
D矛lleachdain Gemma - sgeulachd dhr霉idhteach agus bhuaidheil mun d脿 chuid nighean, agus 2 choimearsnachd eadar-dhealaichte ann an Alba agus Kenya.
At just 23 years old, Glasgow student Gemma Steele - who won the 2014 Young Scot Unsung Hero Award - is responsible for the wellbeing of 25 children at the orphanage she built in Nakuru, Kenya. Supported financially and practically by the people of Uist, St Jerome's Children's Home, which Gemma began building as a teenager, opened in 2012 and offers a loving home to children aged 4 to 18 who would otherwise be on the streets.
MacTV profiles this remarkable young humanitarian from South Uist, who has won the trust of orphans and the admiration of Scots countrywide, as she undertakes her latest project. We follow Gemma in Kenya as her new orphanage is built by Glasgow-based humanitarian design organisation Orkidstudio - providing beds for 40 children and with the space to expand.
Can they ensure the build is on track to completion within its tight eight-week deadline?
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Bho Laisgeir, Uibhist a Deas gu Nakuru, Kenya
Duration: 01:03
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