Documentary following Kerrie Finlay, who in 2014, underwent groundbreaking treatment for Crohn's Disease.
B' e 2014 a' bhliadhna bu riatanaiche a-riamh dha Kerrie Finlay a tha 32. 'S i Kerrie aon den 100,000 a thathar am beachd a tha beò leis a' ghalar Crohn's ann am Breatainn, agus tha i air a bhith a' strì ris bhon a bha i na deugaire.
An-uiridh thug leigheas ùr le a bhith a' cleachdadh ath-chur cealla stem Hematopoietic dòchas as ùr dhith cur às dhan ghalar gu brà th. Sgeulachd dhrùithteach, feartail boireannaich òig misneachail, agus a slighe tro bhliadhna uabhasach.
2014 was the biggest year of 32 year old Kerrie Finlay's life. Kerrie is one of an estimated 100,000 people in the UK who have Crohn's Disease, and has battled the disease since she was a teenager.
Last year saw her get the chance to undergo groundbreaking treatment - a hematopoetic stem cell transplant - to hopefully rid her of the disease. The poignant, moving story of an inspiring young woman, and her journey through a tumultuous year.
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