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Rogan the Red Kangaroo

This episode features Rogan, a young joey who is one of a gang of red kangaroos living in the Australian outback.

Sreath a tha a' toirt thugainn fiosrachadh a tha inntinneach agus iongantach mu chuid de na h-ainmhidhean as fhe脿rr leinn. An-diugh, tha sinn ag ionnsachadh mu laogh cangar霉 貌g, Ruagan, is a' ghr脿isg de changaruthan ruadh dham buin e, a tha be貌 ann am f脿saichean meadhan Astr脿ilia.

Tha beatha l脿n buiceil romhad mas e cangar霉 ruadh 貌g a th' annad. An toiseach, feumaidh Ruagan ionnsachadh mar a chleachdas e a chasan mar she貌rsa de mhaide-pogo, mar a sheachnas e coin-fhiadhaich agus mar a chuireas e smugaid air a gh脿irdeanan airson e fh猫in a chumail fionnar.

Tron sgeulachd, gheibh sinn a-mach gum bi cangaruthan ag ithe fad na h-oidhche agus gu bheil iad math air bogsadh. Ma tha thu gu bhith be貌 fada san fh脿sach, feumaidh tu sgilean s貌nraichte. An ionnsaich Ruagan iad luath gu le貌r gu bhith na sh脿r-bhogsair
mar dad?

Investigative guides which reveal amazing facts about members of the animal kingdom.

This episode features Rogan, a young joey who is one of a gang of red kangaroos living in the Australian outback. Life is a rollercoaster when you are a red kangaroo. Rogan must get the hang of his gawky pogo stick legs, dodge hungry dingoes and learn how to spit on his arms to keep cool.

Through his story, we discover that kangaroos eat all night and box for a living. Surviving life in the outback requires skill. Can Rogan master them quickly enough to become a champion boxer like his dad?

23 minutes

Last on

Sat 25 Nov 2023 17:00
