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Sean the Red Fox

Investigative guides about members of the animal kingdom. Featuring Sean, a red fox cub growing up in the wilds of the British countryside.

Sreath a tha a' toirt thugainn fiosrachadh a tha inntinneach agus iongantach mu chuid de na h-ainmhidhean as fhe脿rr leinn. An-diugh, an sionnach ruadh is sinn a' leantainn deuchainnean is d霉bhlain cuilean sionnaich leis an ainm Seon is e a' f脿s suas air an d霉thaich ann am Breatainn.

Le a cheud-f脿than geura, a chomasan seilg s貌nraichte, a luathas is a shubailteachd, tha e furasta fhaicinn carson a bhiodh e doirbh a' char a thoirt 脿 sionnach.

Ach feumaidh gach sionnach ionnsachadh gu luath na sgilean a tha a dh矛th air gus tighinn be貌. Tha a mham gl猫 mheasail air Seon is tha i ag ionnsachadh dha na dh'fheumas e. O stalcaireachd gu leum air beathaichean, tha t貌rr aig Seon ri ionnsachadh, ach an toir an cuilean beag an aire is am bi e be貌 gu bhith na shionnach se貌lta?

Investigative guides which reveal amazing facts about members of the animal kingdom.

Today we meet Sean, a red fox cub who lives in the British countryside. With their super-senses, exceptional hunting skills, speed and agility, it's easy to see why it takes a lot to outfox the fox.

But each fox must learn quickly what it takes to survive. Following the trials and tribulations of fox cub Sean, growing up in the wilds of the countryside, we see he is taught all he needs to know by his devoted mum. From stalking to pouncing, Sean has a lot to learn but will the little cub take heed and become a cunning survivor?

21 minutes
