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Eddie the Asian Elephant

Investigative guides about members of the animal kingdom. This episode features Eddie, a baby Asian elephant living in the woodlands of lowland India.

Sreath a tha a' toirt thugainn fiosrachadh a tha inntinneach agus iongantach mu chuid de na h-ainmhidhean as fhe脿rr leinn. 'S e sgeulachd tharraingeach a tha seo mu Eadaidh, ailbhean beag, a dh'innseas dhuinn t貌rr mu ailbhein 脌isianach ann an coilltean sg矛rean 矛seal nan Innseachan. Chan eil Eadaidh ach beagan sheachdainean a dh'aois, ach feumaidh e 脿ite a lorg san treud. Feumaidh e cuideachd faighinn a-mach 脿 trioblaid aig an toll uisge, agus a dhol air turas cunnartach a shireadh biadh. Tha an treud a' sti霉ireadh Eadaidh, ? s iad a' leantainn t脿irneanach fad' 脿s, fuaim a tha iad a' cluinntinn tron casan. Tha iad a' sealltainn mar a chleachdas iad an sr貌inean fada airson iomadh rud a dh猫anamh. Ach an t猫id aca air Eadaidh a dh矛on bho thuathanaich fheargach agus t矛gear acrach a tha miannachadh Eadaidh gu dh矛nneir?.

Investigative guides which reveal amazing facts about members of the animal kingdom.

Today's focus is on the Asian elephant. Through the entrancing story of baby Eddie, we find out all about Asian elephants in the woodlands of lowland India.

Just a few weeks old, Eddie has to find his place in the herd; get out of deep water in the local waterhole and undertake a hazardous journey in search of food. His herd guide Eddie by following distant thunder which they hear with their feet and use their multi-tool trunks for many tasks.

But can they protect Eddie from angry farmers and a hungry tiger who wants Eddie for tea?

22 minutes
