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South Lochs/Na Lochan

Episode 5 of 6

Islay-born Heather Dewar embarks on an island odyssey. In this episode she explores South Lochs in Lewis and sees how local sea salt is made.

Anns an dara sreath de " Eileanan Fraoich" tha Fraoch Nic an Deòir à Ìle a' fàgail cofhurtachd a dachaidh airson cuairt tro na h-eileanan. Tha i a' tadhal air Colbhasaidh, Muile, Uibhist a Tuath agus Éirisgeidh, sgìre Stafainn san Eilean Sgitheanach agus fearann na Pàirc ann an Leòdhas.

Anns a' phrògram seo tha Fraoch a' cur eòlas air ceann a deas nan Loch ann an Leòdhas. Tachraidh i air fear a tha a' dèanamh salann-mara, agus gabhaidh i cuairt ann am bàta gu baile fàs Stiomrabhagh cuide ri eòlaiche eachdraidh.

Cluinnidh i mu na ceumannan gus fearann na Pàirc a' cheannach dhan choimhearsnachd, agus seallaidh cruitear dhi comharran cluaise nan caorach.

Mus fhalbh i, tha an neach-ealain proifeiseanta a' dol a thoirt leasan do chlann na Gàidhlig ann am bun-sgoil na sgìre, air mar a nì iad dealbh de neach is aithne dhaibh!

In the second series of Eileanan Fraoich, Islay-born Heather Dewar leaves the familiarity of home to embark on her own personal island odyssey. She visits Colonsay, Mull, North Uist and Eriskay and explores the communities of Staffin in Skye and South Lochs in Lewis.

In this programme Heather explores the community of South Lochs in Lewis. She meets a local entrepreneur producing salt from a nearby sea loch and meets a local historian who joins her on a boat trip to the deserted village of Stemreway.

She discusses the potential community buyout of the land and visits a local crofter who shows her the family-specific ear markings used to identify who owns the sheep.

Before leaving, professional artist Heather visits the local primary school to give a lesson in portraiture to some of the Gaelic-speaking younger generation of South Lochs.

29 minutes