Beth the Black Bear
Investigative guides revealing amazing facts about animals. In this episode, we meet Beth the black bear.
Sreath a tha a' toirt thugainn fiosrachadh a tha inntinneach agus iongantach mu chuid de na h-ainmhidhean as fhe脿rr leinn. An-diugh, tha sinn a' coinneachadh ri M矛rean am mathan dubh.
Ma th猫id thu s矛os dhan choille an-diugh, gabhaidh tu iongnadh m貌r! 'S d貌cha gu bheil mathan dubh Ameireaga a' coimhead coltach ri teadaidh ach cha toireadh tu cudail dha! Ma tha thu smaoineachadh gu bheil mathain d矛reach a' cadal is ag ithe mil fad an latha, tha thu fada ce脿rr.
'S e cuilean mathain beag snog a th' ann am M矛reag is i f脿s suas fo ch霉ram a mam. Tha t貌rr thachartasan is chunnartan san sgeulachd seo: a bhith glacte shuas ann an craoibh, ithe agus tuilleadh ithe agus cuairt dhan bhaile as fhaisge! Ach tha an t矛de a' ruith gu luath. Am bi M矛reag air gu le貌r ithe sa chiad shamhradh aice a chumas be貌 i tron chiad chadal-geamhraidh aice?
Investigative guides which reveal amazing facts about members of the animal kingdom. In this episode the focus is on Beth, the black bear. If you go down to the woods today be sure of a big surprise! America's black bear might look like a teddy bear but you wouldn't cuddle this one! If you thought bears just sleep and eat honey all day then think again.
Beth is the cutest bear cub, growing up with her brother under mum's watchful eye. This is a story of action and adventure, eating, getting stuck up trees, more eating and taking a stroll into the nearest town! But it is also a race against time for survival. Will Beth have eaten enough of the bare necessities by the end of her first summer to see her through her first hibernation?
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Tha iad be貌thail, sn脿mhaidh iad agus sreapaidh iad craobhan!
Duration: 01:08
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