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P脿rtaidh a' Phrionns'
Children's animated series. Robin and his friends work to save the windmill from fireworks when the prince decides to hold a party.
Tha am Prionns' a' cur air d貌igh partaidh 's e ag iarraidh lasairean-teine a leigeil dheth. Ge-t脿, tha e coltach nach seas a' mhuillean ris a lethid 's feumaidh Robin 's a charaidean a dhol an aghaidh a' Phrionns airson an togalach a sh脿bhaladh.
The prince decides to hold a party in his own honour, with fireworks being fired from the windmill. However, it is discovered that the windmill will not withstand the bang. Robin and his friends work to thwart the prince's plans and save the mill.
Last on
Mon 5 Sep 2016
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- Tue 7 Apr 2015 18:35
- Thu 9 Apr 2015 18:10
- Sun 12 Apr 2015 17:00
- Fri 2 Sep 2016 18:10
- Mon 5 Sep 2016 18:35