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Madadh-allaidh sa Choille
Children's series. There is panic as a fearsome werewolf appears to be attacking the village food stocks. Robin and the prince both try to track it down.
Tha baile Nottingham na bhoil 's madadh eagallach a goid biadh 脿 taighean nan daoine. Tha Robin 's Am Prionnsa, gach fear air a shon fh猫in, a' dol air toir a' bhiast, ach c貌 aca a bhios nan gaisgeach aig deireadh an l脿?
There's panic in Nottingham as a fearsome werewolf appears to be attacking the village food stocks. Robin and the prince, each on his own side, set out to track down the predator. Who will be hailed as the hero of the day?
Last on
Mon 19 Sep 2016
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- Mon 19 Sep 2016 18:35