Episode 3
Children's series. Robbie from Glasgow talks about his hobbies, including playing the fiddle and baking chocolate muffins. He also likes football, and supports Partick Thistle.
Tha Robbie 脿 Glaschu ag innse mu na rudan as fhe脿rr leis. Nam measg, tha a bhith a' d猫anamh muffins se貌claid agus a' cluich an fhidheall. A bharrachd air iomain, 's toigh leis ball-coise agus an-diugh tha e a' faighinn an cothrom cluich aig Firhill, dachaigh Partick Thistle.
Robbie from Glasgow tells us about his favourite hobbies, including playing the fiddle and baking chocolate muffins. As well as playing shinty, Robbie also enjoys football, and he gets the opportunity to play at Firhill, the home of his favourite team Partick Thistle.
Last on
Is toil le Robbie a bhith b猫icearachd
Duration: 01:27
- Wed 20 May 2015 18:05
- Sun 24 May 2015 16:45
- Sat 1 Aug 2015 17:50
- Wed 5 Aug 2015 17:50