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Orinoco an Iolair-uisge/Orinoco the Osprey

Investigative guides revealing amazing facts about animals. This episode follows Orinoco the osprey. Is he ready for his first migration?

Sreath a tha a' toirt thugainn fiosrachadh a tha inntinneach agus iongantach mu chuid de na h-ainmhidhean as fheàrr leinn. An-diugh, tha sinn a' coimhead ri Orinoco, isean iolair-uisge tapaidh.

Coinnich Orinoco is e a' fàs làidir anns an nead ron a' chiad imrich aige. A' tòiseachadh ann an Canada, tha aig Orinoco ri dèiligeadh ri droch aimsir, dol air chall agus acras air a thuras a dh'Ameireaga a Deas. Ach am bi a sgilean iasgaich agus a chomas iongantach air slighe a lorg gu leòr airson fhaighinn a Cholumbia, gu uisgeachan èisg a' gheamhraidh?

Investigative guides which reveal amazing facts about members of the animal kingdom. In this episode the focus is on Orinoco the adventurous osprey chick.

Meet Orinoco as he builds his strength up for his first epic migration. Starting in Canada, Orinoco faces treacherous weather, getting lost and starvation on his journey to South America. But will his fishing technique and built-in navigational abilities be enough to get him to the fish-filled waters of Colombia?

21 minutes