Cookery show. Mairi MacRitchie is in Islay, Benbecula, Barra and Lewis gathering weekend recipes, including parma ham and parmesan rolls and fish pie.
Tha Mà iri NicRisnidh air chuairt eile tron Ghà idhealtachd is nan Eilean a' coinneachadh ri sà r-chòcairean a sheallas dhi am biadh is fheà rr leothasan a dhèanamh.
Anns a' phrògram seo tha Mà iri eadar Ìle agus Leòdhas, a' faighinn comhairle mu dhinneirean airson na deireadh sheachdaine. Tha deagh mholaidhean aig na còcairean: eadar rolaichean le cà ise is hama a Parma, math le fìon oidhche Shatharna, gu cearc air a ròstadh le fineal agus uinnean dearg.
Aig an deireadh sheachdain tha e tlachdmhor barrachd ùine a chosg sa chidsin a' deasachadh rudaigin ùr: tha Mà iri a' faighinn blasad de phà idh à lainn le ruadh-bharr agus cais'-uachdrach, geur is milis còmhla; bì i fhèin a' dèanamh pà idh èisg airson oidhche Shatharna.
Chan eil math dì-chuimhneachadh beagan fuine a bhi deiseil eagal's gun tadhal daoine a-staigh - agus tha ceà rnagan liomaine, le deagh chòmhdach shiùcrach, math fhèin le cupa tì.
Mairi MacRitchie is in the Highlands and islands meeting some of the country's finest cooks and bakers, who share with her their favourite and most treasured recipes.
In this programme, Mairi is in Islay, Benbecula, Barra and Lewis gathering tasty recipes for the weekends, when you want something a little special. Her cooks are on hand with suggestions that will make any tummy rumble, from parma ham and parmesan rolls to accompany a Saturday night glass of wine, to a twist on Sunday afternoon's roast chicken using fennel and red onion.
With a little more spare time you can produce some delicious results. Mairi is treated to a rhubarb and cream cheese pie, tart rhubarb with sweet pastry, and she makes her own creamy fish pie - ideal for Saturday night.
It's always nice to have some baking ready for any visitors, and a zesty lemon square is the perfect accompaniment to a cup of tea.
Last on
Am measg na chìthear air a’ phrògram
Duration: 00:58
Na rolaichean cà ise is hama à Parma aig Fraoch Nic Deòir
Duration: 02:16
Na ceà rnagan liomain aig Agnes NicLeòid
Duration: 02:19
Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Mairi MacRitchie |
- Tue 16 Jun 2015 20:30
- Sat 20 Jun 2015 20:30
- Wed 15 Mar 2017 20:30
- Sun 19 Mar 2017 20:00
- Wed 1 Aug 2018 19:00
- Mon 6 Aug 2018 19:00