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Sigi an Sìobra/Ziggy the Zebra

A look at Ziggy the Burchell zebra as he learns about life on the African savannah. Will he survive, earn his stripes and be promoted to a leader?

Sreath a tha a' toirt thugainn fiosrachadh a tha inntinneach agus iongantach mu chuid de na h-ainmhidhean as fheàrr leinn. An-diugh, tha sinn a' coinneachadh ri Sigi, sìobra a rugadh air faichean-feòir farsaing Afraga. Feumaidh e ionnsachadh mu bheatha air an savannah le bhith leantainn athar a tha na cheannard air an treud àraidh shìobrathan seo. Ach tha an t-slighe cunnartach. Feumaidh Sigi siubhal astar mòr airson biadh a lorg, teiche o leòmhainn agus snàmh tarsaing air abhainn làn chrogail. Am faigh e às beò gu bhith na sheanalair air a rèisimeid shìobrathan fhèin?

The focus is on Ziggy, a zebra born on the wide, grassy plains of Africa. Ziggy must learn about life on the savannah by following in the footsteps of his dad, the leader of this particular zebra herd. But the road ahead is hazardous. Ziggy must travel great distances to find food, evade lions and cross crocodile-infested rivers. Will he survive, earn his stripes and be promoted to leader of his own zebra squad?

22 minutes