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Gillean is clann-nighean
Children's series. The boys and the girls don't see eye to eye. How can the team be brought back together again?
Tha buaireadh a' dol eadar an Treubh Chiar san Treubh Sheunta 's tha sin ag adhbharachadh tuilleadh m矛-r霉n san sgioba. Tha na balaich sa chlann-nighean a' dol gu tur an aghaidh a-ch猫ile. Ciamar is urrainn dhaibh a thighinn c貌mhla a-rithist?
The dark side and the team are again quarrelling and this in turn causes more upset in the team. The boys and the girls don't see eye to eye. How can the team be brought back together again?
Last on
Mon 14 May 2018
More episodes
- Tue 18 Aug 2015 18:40
- Thu 20 Aug 2015 18:10
- Sun 23 Aug 2015 17:45
- Tue 9 Aug 2016 18:05
- Thu 11 Aug 2016 18:35
- Fri 11 May 2018 18:10
- Mon 14 May 2018 18:35