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Episode 1

Episode 1 of 3

Comedy drama. Muriel Scott is back with her online dating business. In this episode, she tries to find love for Michael Iain, who works on the ferries, and Dominique, an artist.

Tha Muriel Scott air ais leis a' ghnìomhachas gaoil air-loidhne aice, Gaol@Gael. Nas motha agus nas fheàrr, tha gu leòr às ùr a' sireadh a cuid eòlais. Gheibh sinn iomradh air a beatha phearsanta fhèin cuideachd, is coltas gu bheil trioblaidean a' tighinn am follais le Seòras, an cèile nach fhaca duine a-riamh.

Anns an t-sreath seo, coinnichidh sinn ri sianar ùra a tha a' sireadh gaoil.

Tha Mìcheal Iain ga chosnadh fhèin air na bàtaichean aiseig ach 's e tinneas-gaoil as miosa dha seach tinneas-mara. Tha an neach-ealain Dominique i fhèin a' sireadh taic ged a tha i làn de bheachdan ealanta.

Anns an dàrna earrann chì sinn gu bheil Carol searbh de dh'obair glanaidh an taigh-òsta agus de 'Tom', agus tha Dod am meacanaig a' cumail sùil agus a' cumail sgòr.

Anns an treas earrann coinnichidh sinn ri Donella, dràibhear bhan nam parsailean a tha airidh air beagan sanasachaidh bho Bobbi a chunnaic sinn sa chiad sreath, agus Kenny, fear air a bheil dath a mhahoganaidh, a tha measail air an gym agus air fhèin.

Air Gaol@Gael, bheir Muriel an fhìrinn dhaibh uile ann an clàr an aodainn.

Muriel Scott is back with her online dating business Gaol@Gael, bigger and better than ever before, as she takes on a new batch of clients looking for love. We also peer into own private life - is that trouble brewing with never-seen husband 'George'?

In this series we meet six more singles looking for love. Episode one has Michael Iain, a customer services manager aboard the ferries, looking to be more lovesick than seasick, and Dominique, a young artist with some very 'artistic' ideas.

In episode two there's Carol, a chambermaid, not really loving her job cleaning hotel rooms and still bitter about 'Tom', and we meet Dod, the car mechanic with an eye for the ladies. And a score book.

In episode three there's Donella, the parcel delivery driver who needs a full makeover from series one star Bobbi, and Kenny, the gym-obsessed, self-styled eye candy.

It's another year for Gaol@Gael, and Muriel is on form in her brutally honest way as ever.

30 minutes

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