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Evelyn Coull presents highlights from the 2015 Northern Nashville Caithness Country Music Festival, with Jeff Woolsey, Amber Digby, James House, Anthony McBrien and Manson Grant.

Anns a' phrògram mu dheireadh, an ceathramh prògram anns an t-sreath, cluinnear fear de rionnagan saoghal ceòl country, Jeff Woolsey, Amber Digby a tha air a bhith a' frithealadh na fèise gu math tric, an seinneadair/sgrìobhaiche James House, an t-Èireannach Anthony McBrien agus an còmhlan ionadail Manson Grant.

Tha gu leòr a bhararchd sa phrògram seach an ceòl fhèin, agus Calum MacAmhlaidh a-rithist ag aithris à Èireann far an do Choinnich e ri Anthony McBrien, a tha ag innse mar a sgrìobh e òran mar chuimhneachan air a mhàthair, agus chuir Calum beagan ùine seachad am Beul Feirste aig Fèis na Sgrìobhadairean còmhla ri James House, ag ionnsachadh mar a tha esan a' sgrìobhadh nan òran ceòl country air a bheil fèill cho mòr.

The fourth and final episode of the series comes from traditional country music star Jeff Woolsey, festival regular Amber Digby, singer-songwriter James House, Irish act Anthony McBrien and local band Manson Grant.

In addition to the music highlights, reporter Calum Macaulay travels to Ireland to meet Anthony McBrien, who talks about a song he wrote in memory of his mother, and he also spends some time in Belfast at the Belfast Nashville Songwriters Festival with James House, learning more about how he goes about writing his country music hits.

1 hour


Role Contributor
Presenter Evelyn Coull
Performer Jeff Woolsey
Performer Amber Digby
Performer James House
Performer Anthony McBrien
Music Group Manson Grant
Interviewer Calum Macaulay
Interviewed Guest Anthony McBrien
Interviewed Guest James House
