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Derek goes to Tiree to learn about the island, Seumas from Lochaber talks about his hobbies, and Laxdale Primary School on the Isle of Lewis take on the schools' hopper challenge.
Tha Derek air turas a Thiriodh gus barrachd fhaighinn a-mach mun an eilean, bidh Seumas 脿 sg矛re Lochabair ag innse mu na cur-seachadan aigesan agus 's iad Bun-sgoil Lacasdail an Eilean Le貌dhais a bhios a' feuchainn air r猫is Puingean nam Boingean.
Derek takes a trip to Tiree to learn all about the island, Seumas from Lochaber tells about his favourite pastimes, and Laxdale Primary School on the Isle of Lewis take on the schools' hopper challenge.
Last on
Sat 7 Nov 2015
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